Additional Data Sets on Artist Occupations

Occupation Employment Statistics (OES), Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor The OES Program conducts a semi-annual mail survey of 200,000 establishments. The survey is designed to produce estimates of employment and wages for about 800 occupations and for more than 450 industry classifications. By geography, OES estimates are reported at the national, state, metropolitan, and non-metropolitan levels. The OES excludes self-employed workers, nor does it collect demographic information such as age or race.

Current Population Survey (CPS), Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor The CPS is a monthly survey of roughly 60,000 households conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPS captures labor force, employment, and unemployment, with associated demographic detail. Additionally, the CPS includes self-employed workers, and it collects data on multiple jobholding. By geography, CPS estimates are reported at the national level.

O*Net, U.S. Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor DOL's O*Net is a comprehensive database of worker attributes and job characteristics. O*Net draws from a taxonomy of 974 occupations and includes the latest BLS projections by occupation.