Arts and Education

Domain D: Arts and Education describes the extent to which students at elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education levels learn to create and appreciate art. The domain includes an indicator on the supply and demand of art teachers.

For more information on Domain D, view our infographic and access short papers and data for each indicator below. New indicators and updated statistics for current indicators will be released as data become available.


About the Indicators


D.1 Who majors in the arts?

This indicator analyzes trends in the number of postsecondary degrees awarded in arts and cultural fields of study over time, by degree level and key demographic characteristics of graduates.

D.1 Report

D.1 Tables


D.2 Who teaches the arts in schools?

This indicator reports the number of art teachers in elementary and secondary education and arts faculty in postsecondary institutions.

D.2 Report

D.2 Tables


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