Arts and Cultural Assets

Domain C: Arts and Cultural Assets is multifaceted, as it describes the economic impact of the arts in the United States (i.e., inputs and outputs) as well as types of arts funding and infrastructure, and where arts and cultural assets are located.

For more information on Domain C, view our infographic and access short papers and data for each indicator below. New indicators and updated statistics for current indicators will be released as data become available.


About the Indicators


C.1 What do the arts contribute to the U.S. economy?

This indicator presents trends in value-added for arts and culture industries, as well as trends over time in the total value and percentage of Gross Domestic Product for the arts and cultural sector.

C.1 Report

C.1 Tables


C.2 Which industries employ artists and other cultural workers?

This indicator presents major industries that employ artists and other cultural workers.

C.2 Report

C.2 Tables


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