Sneak Peek: Revisiting the Carolyn Mazloomi Podcast

Carolyn Mazloomi: Yes. I became really interested in learning how to quilt after I saw a quilt at the International Trade Market in Dallas, Texas. I was walking by a dealer’s showroom and I saw this traditional American patchwork quilt, and it just stopped me in my tracks. That quilt just called me and just said, “Okay, touch me. Feel me,” and we as quilt makers know we’re not supposed to touch the quilts, but we’re the worst offenders. It’s something about the cloth and our connection as human beings to the cloth. This is something we’re swathed in from birth. It’s the last thing that touches our body in death. So, we have a lifelong love affair with the cloth. You can’t get away from it. You can’t deny it. So, seeing that quilt started this journey.