Additional Information About Artist Occupations and Multiple Jobholding

Multiple Jobholding During the 2000s

Published in the July 2010 edition of the Monthly Labor Review, this article, by BLS economist Steven Hipple, presents trends in multiple jobholding and the demographics of workers with second jobs. Hipple notes that unlike unemployment rates, which exhibit cyclical fluctuations, the multiple jobholding rate has remained stable since 1994.

Multiple Jobholding in States, 2012

In this December 2013 Monthly Labor Review article, BLS economist Susan Campolongo reports that South Dakota recorded the highest multiple jobholding rate of any state, 9.5 percent, followed by Vermont, 8.6 percent, and Nebraska, 8.5 percent.

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey, Multiple Jobholders by Selected Characteristics

This site provides access to the BLS' most recent annual estimates of workers holding multiple jobs, their demographics, and full and part-time status of their primary and secondary jobs.

Equal Opportunity Data Mining: National Statistics about Working Artists

NEA Data Profile 1 draws on EEO tabulations of the American Community Survey. Estimates of the number of primary artists (i.e., workers in their primary artist job) are reported for states, metropolitan areas, and selected cities. NEA Profile 1 tables also report selected demographic and work characteristics of primary artists.

Artists and Art Workers in the United States: Findings from the American Community Survey (2005-2009) and the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (2010)

Released in 2011, this NEA Research Note draws on American Community Survey PUMS (public use micro-data sample) collected in 2005-2009. While the geographic coverage in this Note is largely national, the demographic and work characteristics of primary artists presented are detailed.

More Than Once in a Blue Moon

Commissioned by the NEA in 2000, this report, authored by Neil Alper and Gregory Wassall, draws on the CPS to examine multiple jobholding by artists, including comparisons with other professional workers.