

American Community Survey (ACS), Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) and special tabulations


ACS data are released annually


U.S. Census Bureau

Research Topic

Artists in the labor force

Notable Features

State-level locations of artists by race, ethnicity, and gender

National-level demographics of artists

Race/ethnicity and gender of managers working in arts industries such as performing arts companies, sound recording businesses, and publishing

Example Finding

In addition to California and New York, the ACS data show that actors cluster in Georgia and Louisiana. In 2015-2019, as a share of each state’s labor force, actors exceeded the national share of actors in the labor force by 30 percent and 40 percent, respectively.

This finding mirrors the fact that motion picture and video production contributes significantly to each state’s arts economy, as shown by the Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account (ACPSA).


Where Ac tors Cluster -- map