Sneak Peek: Revisiting the Meg Medina Podcast

Meg Medina: My family were real storytellers, just naturally. They, I think, processed their trauma through story. So, they process like their leaving their country and their family. I was filled with stories of what Cuba looked like, and who their neighbors had been and the time that So-and-So, did this. It was just a constant storytelling in the family. And for all kinds of purposes--sometimes to advise me in life. "I knew a person who did this once and look what happened to them," and I'd get this whole story. They used story in lots of different ways. So, I think I just sort of naturally developed an ear for that kind of drama and the interest in how people behave. And I find that in my work all the time. You know, when I'm writing, I'm really fascinated, not exactly by like the events of the novel, but by how the characters respond to those events. And so, I just feel like that I could trace right to storytelling.