Sneak Peek: Joanie Madden Podcast

Joanie Madden: Keith Lockhart, who was the conductor of the Boston Pops, fell in love with my penny whistle playing and he invited me up to play Tanglewood. Just myself, not the band, just me. I went up to play Tanglewood and their summer series, of course, and I'd had my parents come up with me. Keith Lockhart gave me an incredible introduction and said “There's people that are born musicians and then there's people that can play with such heart that you cannot teach, and have soul that you cannot give,” and he brought me out onto the stage. So I played my solo with the Pops, with the 100 Piece orchestra, and I looked down, and there was my father and mother, both. My father was crying hysterically. I had never seen my father cry before. He came back after the show and he said “My god. You did it. You've done everything you said you were going to do.”