Sneak Peek: Bril Barrett Podcast

Bril Barrett: The more I taught, the more it became less about what I could show the world with my tap, and more about what I could instill within the next generation to make them fall in love with tap the way I did. Not only for them to fall in love with it, but for them to then grow and then pass it on, because that's how you keep something alive. You keep teaching it, and you hope that the next generation falls in love with it and then they teach it. And so making sure that all my students know of the ancestors' stories, or the dancestors, as we call them, their stories and what it took for them to be able to do this dance, is how they then turn around and they learn it and they perform it and they exemplify it. And then they teach it, and then they demand that excellence from their students and so forth and so on so that generationally, we never lose this beautiful art form called tap dance.