Kayleb Rae Candrilli

Kayleb Candrilli

Photo by Beowulf Sheehan


Kayleb Rae Candrilli is a 2019 Whiting Award Winner in poetry and the author of Water I Won’t Touch (Copper Canyon Press 2021), All the Gay Saints (Saturnalia 2020), and What Runs Over (YesYes Books 2017). Their work is published or forthcoming in Poetry, American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Boston Review,and many others. All the Gay Saints was winner of the 2019 Saturnalia book contest, selected by Natalie Diaz. What Runs Over was the 2016 winner of the Pamet River Prize, a finalist for the Lambda Literary awards in transgender poetry, and a finalist for the 2018 American Book Fest's best book award in LGBTQ nonfiction. Candrilli lives in Philadelphia with their partner.

I was 23 and nearly finished with graduate school when I first read a book written by a trans writer. To this day, I am motivated by that inaccessibility. Since, I’ve written books with the sole purpose of getting them into queer hands before it’s too late. I’ve found my peers in poetry, and all genres, are motivated by a similar imperative toward representation. We have to know that others have survived before we can do it ourselves. I once wrote, “I believe strongly / that had I known one trans person / as a child, I’d have half as many scars / as an adult.” And I do believe it.

The National Endowment for the Arts has gifted me such an immense honor, one that comes with continued responsibility to write for and about queer people—whether about our trauma, our joy, or most often, our trauma and joy in simultaneity. The NEA provides so much in the way of time for writing, funds for living expenses, and security. But most importantly it provides ripples of possibility, ripples of inclusion. I am grateful. And I am excited for every young trans writer coming next.