Yeohlee Teng - Blog

Transcript of Yeohlee Teng

Yeohlee Teng: There are people who believe fervently in how important the garment industry is and the garment center is to the city, its past, its future, how iconic it is, how almost every other New Yorker has a grandfather or a grandmother that worked in a factory in the Garment District before they graduated and became lawyers and stockbrokers and hedge fund managers. So I think that fashion and the garment center is part of the city's identity and, if imagined correctly, it can be a real tourist door as well, which may not be popular with everybody, but I think that, if I were to visit New York and I could go walk around in the garment industry and understand that it's a creative hub and new businesses get started here and jobs are created and Jason Wu works there and Anna Sui works there, and then the factories are on the side streets, and I can buy those clothes that are made in those factories over near 5th Avenue in a street of shops. Wouldn't that be terrific?

In this excerpt from the podcast, Teng sums up the importance of the Garment District to New York City's history, and shares her vision for its potential as a significant cultural and economic center in the city's future. [1:13]