Martina Arroyo - Blog

Transcript of conversation with Martina Arroyo

Jo Reed: Do you remember the first time you sang at the Met?

Martina Arroyo: Oh yes.

Jo Reed: Tell me about it.

Martina Arroyo: I didn't get on stage because I was singing the voice from Heaven.  My mother missed the first performance because she went to the ladies' room so she didn't really hear me the first time <laughing> and I only tell that story because, I don't know, there was something so right about it, you know.  It would be my mother, it would be just when I was singing.  She came to every other performance after that as long as she was alive except when it was a performance she didn't like.  She didn't care for the Lohengrin and usually after the first or second -- after the second or third actually performance she would say her bursitis was bothering her in her left arm, I won't go tonight, but then when I got home I would say, "How's your bursitis?" and she'd touch her right arm and say, "Oh, it's much better."


Lest you think Arroyo the typical diva, listen to this excerpt from this week's Art Works podcast as she talks about her mom attending her first Met performance. [:47]