Jeffrey Sweet - Blog

Transcript of conversation with Jeffrey Sweet

Jeffrey Sweet: I'm a Chicagoan who lives in exile, and people assume that I live in Chicago because I talk about Chicago theater a lot, because I think it's one of the most vibrant places to build new stuff, because it costs way less to do it there; the audiences are extremely sophisticated in that they are looking to see the potential of something rather than to see if every cent of what they've paid for their ticket is on the stage; and it's a remarkable place.  Also the theaters are very supportive of each other.  There's a real community sense there.  So I would put Chicago as the best theater town I've ever worked in.  You can't make a sensational living there, but you can build really, really good stuff and work with really good people.  I'm a big fan of Chicago theater.

Sweet has been a fan of Chicago theater for some time, which is apparent in this excerpt from our Art Works podcast. [:46]